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Our Wali speaks about the US-British massacres in Iraq which are NEVER shown on American television Stations, as he says: The massacres are committed against an unarmed people who have found nowhere to escape. The cries of bereaved women and the injured; the cries of hungry; injured children left without medical treatment; the demolition of people's homes; the arrest and imprisonment of passers-by under futile pretexts; the disparaging of the sanctity of families; the spreading of widespread terror and fear; the humiliation of proud men and the shameful acts committed against them in front of their children and wife; the destruction of the vital infrastructure of the country; the dropping of thousands of bombs and missiles and the cannon shelling of cities; each of these acts constitutes a war crime. In this way, the invaders have committed even more crimes than those perpetrated by Saddam over many years. On US, British support for Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq war. There is nothing more hurtful and bitter for a people than to see foreign soldiers, who are in a state of drunken stupor because of their victory, enter their homes and lands unimpeded, and take over the control of their destiny. The Americans and the British claim that they have launched this attack of theirs to remove Saddam and establish democracy and freedom in Iraq, but they deliberately turn a blind eye to the fact that they were the ones who had equipped that cruel offender, Saddam. They backed him with everything they had to pave the way for him to perpetrate his cruel and criminal acts. They were the ones who had unleashed him to commit the horrendous massacre of 1991. They did not reproach him for what he did and they did not even bat an eye lid.
They were the ones who helped him use chemical weapons against the Iranians, and worse still, against the people of
Iraq in Halabjah. They turned a blind eye to what he did, and, during the eight-year war he imposed on the Islamic Republic, they backed him and supplied him with weapons and offered to help him to manage the news media.

American way of life and way of thinking:

             The Culture of Dajjal is a culture that has reached the far corners of the earth spreading a liberal immoral way of life via its Hollywood movies, its books- usually written by Christian Fundamentalists-Zionist Jews, its newspapers, its surrogate spies-a term I use for its College age-young people who go on vacations to other nations to show how HIP and IN or STYLISH America can be so as, to throw off the real terrorism that emanate from the devils in Washington, DC. These surrogate spies are like the surrogates of the Movies MIMMIC or SPECIES while pretending to look as COOL as Hollywood portrays this GENNIE (JINN) race and its house slave, they send the message out that they LIVE IN FREEDOM. That is, never mind the fact that their government bombs more than half the World in the last Century, never mind that the CIA assassinates World leaders, never mind false advertising on the AMERICAN DREAM which is actually an AMERICAN NIGHTMARE thus encourage VISA MONGERING to come to the U.S. only to see the reality of an oppressed non-White class and a few house slaves who live off the scrap of the tables of the white elites. The Culture of Dajjal is based on carrying its propaganda via its music too, after all SPRINGSTEIN Singing about BORN IN THE USA will not have been effective to glorify being born on a land stolen from the America Indians now would it? Hip Hop, Rap and Porn Star generation glorifying gansta wannabe thirst for drugs, promiscuity, greed or American dollars and what they believe they can get with killing a few people for it is on the rise. This culture that rose from the once PUBLIC ENEMY Rap scene which exposed Americas racism and arrogance to now, Beyounce to Jay-Z and other rappers who exploit the loyalty of teens following them as well as polluting the World we live in, including the developing World where we are now facing increase in Aids, other sexually transmitted diseases and drug abuse from the culture of Dajjal which glorifies violence, drugs and promiscuity. Perhaps best at understanding the Americans are to understand that a certain degree of arrogance go with them when they view the World-enough proof has been documented below from the Internet alone besides my personal experience with these people. It is no wonder that our culture has vast fables about trapping Gennies in bottles; perhaps this is where the US Empire-Israeli Terrorists ought to be kept indefinitely before they destroy the whole planet!

                     While 9/11 was a tragedy, it in fact helped many Americans to realize in a very rude way, that there are other humans on our small planet and if they allow their government to bomb relentlessly there will be no place for them to vacation or even be liked anymore. An American actress stated below, that Americans did not wake up at all from 9/11 instead they got more arrogant and it is this arrogance which has America the most hated Empire in History today. Indeed, that reality lasted only a few seconds and they were back supporting their evil government bomb Iraq and Afghanistan and once again they are looking to invade Syria and Iran either late in 2004 or early 2005. This American Culture is not only based on arrogance, impatience, greed, immorality and where elite or celebrities literally get away with murder (as O.J. Simpson or Martha Stewart whose major accusation has been thrown out of Court by the presiding judge and she is treated more as a celebrity than a person charged of a criminal act) but their concept of FREEDOM, used to be based on anything opposite to Communist countries and Communism, is against Islam today. Today, since we, Arabs and Muslims, are seen as the NEW enemies, their new concepts of FREEDOM is anything that is opposed to Islam and case in point is their view of HIJAB or proper head covering for women in Islam which Mary, the mother of Jesus(AS) herself, used. They are under the impression that Mary the mother of Jesus (AS) was OPPRESSED because she sought to be chaste and to refuse to show her private parts in public and to demand respect for herself and show her beauty only for her husband-hence the reason why we marry for and not act as whores and dogs doing it in the open, as American society has become. Progress in American Society is defined not in terms of achievements or huge buildings and gadgets as cell phones, Play station, DVDs and the latest sports cars alone but by an arrogant view that somehow all these were achieved by European American and European intelligence. It shocks them to know that it is all due to immigrants of color and blacks as well as to non-European nations such as Japan.

              The Culture of Dajjal is the same kind of culture of Sodom and Gomorra as well documented in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran. It is a culture which breaks every single one of the Ten Commandments of the Holy Bible; a culture based on a liberal immoral ideology which promotes promiscuous sex publicly and in its movies, drug use, racism in the form of institutional and indirect discrimination that is cultural discrimination in promoting a dominant race in the superstructure-especially in its movies where more than half the budgets for films coming from Japanese investors and Arabs investors are used to make the European family look picture perfect, a culture of arrogance, a culture promoted by its music-movies-books-newspapers-schools and surrogate spies (teenage-College-University patriotic drunkards not on alcohol alone but on patriotism that built the kinds of societies we have seen in history as Nazi Germany which was fuelled by German patriotism, and last but not least by a Government that instills fear, just as the Nazi German Government of Germany, so as to maintain control over the destinies of its Citizen population). Fear of bogymen TERRORISTS who might come up around the corner of every street and fear hype of showing that all Arabs and Muslim Americans are really TERRORISTS in disguise just as they did to their own people during the RED SCARE under McCarthyism. Today, they have a new McCarthyism in alliance with Zionist Jewish Politicians as Senator Chuck Schumer and his partner in crime, Christian Fundamentalist Senator Hilary Clinton in New York State whereas, nationally Rumfeld, Ashcroft-the father of Homeland Security and ARAB-MUSLIM GREEN SCARE as well as others in the BUSH GESTAPO ADMINISTRATION.

                   In addition, its Sports as Football Stadiums are mirror images of the Roman Empire Stadiums (for those who do not know what the Neo-Roman Football Stadiums in ROMAN terms looked like, see the movie THE GLADIATOR) of the past and the arrogance which emanates from its government to every aspect of its Society. AMERICANS GENERALLY FEEL THAT THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT EVEN WHEN THEY ARE WRONG! Such arrogance is even insulting to God who is perfect and always right, indeed HE is the creator but for Americans, their culture tries to break down God to being a little boy depending on American Aid and holding an American Flag with a messy face and dirty palms. It is this arrogance that the rest of the World sees as a marriage of convenience with their government which does the exact same thing in foreign affairs-demeaning other governments. We have seen former President Clintons reaction to Premier Yeltsin in Russia and other leaders even publicly when asked to comment on them-the smile and grin that he gave out of disrespect for a leader of a superpower nation of Nuclear Missiles is arrogance at its highest level, no wonder the average Americans are growing up thinking that they rule the World today!! Muslim Americans are the worst when it comes to following this kind of attitude in which they brush off Islam for the liberal American way of life. It is highly common to find American immigrants boasting to their people back home of how GREAT AMERICA is and their lives in America are great even though they work 9 to 5 jobs, pay more taxes than any other citizen of any other country in the World and are part of the problem of suppressing the World because they fuel this evil government in Washington by giving this elected dictatorship the right to bomb the black and colored World in each and every administration. Even the foreign leaders are so busy kissing up to the arses of the American leadership that they themselves cannot see that clearly except for their Political Advisors which they do not take seriously but KGB and other Secret Services instead whose interests as of lately has been married with the ideology of WAR ON TERROR, wrongly understood by the said Secret agencies as a WAR in their interests since they themselves are suppressing Muslims collectively in Chechnya. This includes China too, where two million Muslims in the Northwestern section of China have been oppressed as well as a scene of genocide from the Communist Chinese Government. So, while we are assessing the American Way of life; we must understand that it has affected other systems too such as the Russian way of life and the Chinese Way of life as well which collectively can find many similarities among them culturally, ideologically, and militarily in oppressing Muslims Worldwide. It is then the clear proof that Muslims are under attack worldwide which screams from the developing World do not yet register in the minds of the average people of the Western and Russian Societies. This is why they are today targets of what they call TERRORISM but what is in fact a willingness by those suffering people from American and Russian and Israeli tanks towards anyone they can reach for the aggression towards Muslims and Arabs.

            The American way of life is highlighted by urban legends which promote satanic ideology instead of Christian values and if even they show attempts to resist evil it is always done in an arrogant way, thinking that somehow acts independent of God or His assistance is needed to ward off evil. Movies such as CHARMED actually show an outrage that witches who worship satan can be GOOD and that there are some GOOD EVIL people too. What nonsense really! What outrage! What stupidity! God made it very clear for all Christians, Jews and Muslims who follow their Holy Books as well as other religions that satan is our immortal enemy and that anyone who associates with satan is also our enemy! It is ironic that on the one side they are claiming to be against evil and NOT breaking of the laws of God; but on the other they are promoting evil, promoting that it is o.k. to break the laws of God and that God can be reduced to a common man (this is part of the liberal thinking they wish to push down the throats of Iraqis today), element or thing in such arrogance that it is really shameful indeed for a so-called advanced Society that has many contradictions. Perfect example is the new TV show called JOAN OF ACADIA which borders on a Soap opera style JOAN trying to find her way but it is insulting to God and all religiously minded people in America. The obsession with the Whiteman is also shown when JOAN loves GOD when he is a white, her age and blond haired but dissatisfied when God appears as a black person-but that is not the worst of it, it is reducing God to the level of one of them which is as arrogant as one can get!! The ideology promoted that is against God and His laws shows itself in as little as shaving the beard (Keeping a clean shaved face has become an obsession in this society-so much that what was once shown as one blade used for shaving has now developed into the four blades for shaving as seen on their television ads). For Muslims, Christians and Jews, the beard is the HIJAB or covering for men yet, even among American Muslims we see they succumb to the media promotion and job discrimination to maintain a CLEAN SHAVED FACE. We have seen in the movies that promoting the clean shaved face is also an obsession as well as fornication and adultery-in American Soap Operas, having babies out of wed lock is o.k., sleeping with other peoples husband is o.k., changing husbands every new Moon is also seen as o.k., and worst yet, confusing children of many parents and step-parents is also seen as o.k. too. Americans are kept busy instead of looking at the crimes of their government by the array of movies, other entertainment, clubs, parties that go throughout the work week, strip clubs, prostitutes, raves, and house parties that promote the decay of morality in this society among the youth in particular. It is no wonder that the US army in Iraq has just faced rape and harassment charges in its units just as they were charged for rape in Kosovo when a Soldier admitted to raping and killing a 9 year old Muslim girl; rape cases in Japan committed by US soldiers; rape cases in South Korea by US soldiers and a host of other places where they are stationed across the World. So, instead an ARMY OF ONE as they usually say on their ads; they should be saying an ARMY OF THIEVES, RAPISTS AND COLDBLOODED CHILD KILLERS.

            Perhaps best portrayed in American movies which have been distributed across the World like an epidemic, movies designed to promote the American European way of life, its ideology of a contradiction of freedoms where the Government has complete control and is run by interest groups (as military and economic) and the American people believe that once in every four years they are democratic because they replace one idiot with another? Such movies include DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE in which the ideology has recruited the oppressed black population into an alliance with the European superstructure to fight against Terrorists who just happen to be Germans (we must remember that Germany is a natural enemy of the Zionist Jews even after Hitler) and against Middle Easterners (as mentioned in the movie with Bruce Willis were the ones behind the German Terrorists). These kinds of movies promote hatred for Arabs and Muslims inside America. So, when we promote non-violence against American citizens; the US government promotes via its media arms, violence against us, Arabs and Muslims, inside America. The result since 9/11 is that over 60 of us have been fatally wounded by hate attacks from Americans-in each and every incident NOT a single American has been killed for any of the deadly attack nor has the attacks been highlighted enough on the American media. In fact, whenever the Americans speak of 9/11 its always lies: more than three thousand deaths when it was under two thousand deaths; not a single Muslim is mentioned as having been killed in the 9/11 attacks even though many have died from our Sunni Muslim community right here in Queens, New York; and not a single piece of evidence has been made public of the Zionist Jewish involvement even though MOSSAD Israeli agents were found taking pictures from New Jersey on the day of the attacks itself only half an hour after it took place and they were arrested but released. None of this was made public at all and when the African American Poetic from New Jersey raised such issues and even wrote a poem to that effect he was fired from his job by the Zionist Jewish lobby there using the Governor of New Jersey as the evil hand in that job of firing the Poet.

           An examination of the movies made in Hollywood always promote the European Americans as PERFECT, as always in COMMAND, and always RIGHT regardless even when they are wrong. Blacks in early Hollywood movies were designed to die out, the shooting or killing of a Blackman or black woman in the movies was a necessity for a successful picture. With todays Will Smith and other successful movie actors, that image has changed slightly to promote the blacks as FRIENDS of the children of their forefathers masters. So, its not uncommon today to find blacks being the best friend of the movie star who is European American (White) and its only a matter of time when he impresses a European American woman (white girl). Almost every single movie has this kind of plot: white girl is in distress and white boy saves the day! Examples are SPIDERMAN where Peter parker (European American Tobey Maguire) is the only one to save Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst). In the words of Kirsten herself off the set, SOMETIMES YOU HAVE SPARKS. WITH TOBEY IT JUST CLICKED-cited from TEEN PEOPLE MAGAZINE dated October 2001 from the article entitled ALONG CAME A SPIDER-MAN. However, promotion of the American Governments agenda and culture of this Empire is also promoted by the new generation of Americans who are blind to this institutional discrimination and promotion of the European dominated superstructure, so people like Michelle Kwan (the skater) is seen again in an almost all white photo for CHEVY Company limited in TEEN MAGAZINE of 2001 issue. Many may even say this is ridiculous but let us see the proof shall we? Looking at a list of movies on pages 83 -84 of TEEN PEOPLE MAGAZINE for 2001 under PRIME TIME PLAYERS, we see BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER which is all dominantly European in cast even though the movie is based in America (indeed Sarah Michelle Gellar is a New Yorker herself where she should know that New York is dominantly black and colored and in an age of 2004 where they cannot even find one colored or black person to throw in the permanent cast says a lot about  institutional  racism in the 21st Century America). Then comes 7th Heaven, supposedly a Christian program which again promotes an all White European American cast so much that even the pet dog in the picture is all white! Then comes ROSWELL whose cast is again all White European American and you wonder if they want us to believe that if there were aliens they too would be all WHITE??!! DAWSONS CREEK comes in next with again an all WHITE cast as if James Van Der Beek, an obvious immigrant American name and his White friends dominate the cast in an America whose face is changing but Hollywood wants to maintain the Slave plantation atmosphere.

            In fact, speaking about Slave plantation, many Americans and American Hollywood surrogate spies and supporters for the Christian Fundamentalist-Zionist Jewish alliance promotes the remaking of old movies showing slavery and new ones that glorify the past. I have never seen a race of people who glorify the racist past of segregation and slavery as Americans do in music, movies and books. If something is shameful and ugly it should not be repeated and once its repeated it does not help our black and colored young people from moving ahead and breaking the social barrier and smashing the institutional racism promoted by the US Government and its forms of social consciousness-its media, books, newspaper, movies, and so on. Along this list comes DARK ANGEL where a non-European American is the star but again she is seen almost desperate for white men who (Jessica Alba) worships onscreen and off screen (her off-screen romance back then was with MICHAEL WEATHERLY and you cannot get any whiter than this European American). Also, MALCOLN IN THE MIDDLE where Christopher Kennedy (Francis) and his cast are all White European Americans once again. Hollywood is obviously obsessed with promoting the White family so much that in FRIENDS based in New York where the population is dominantly black and colored, we see an all WHITE EUROPEAN AMERICAN CAST insulting the demographics of New York and in what those who fought against racism in this country stood for with a Jewish David Schwimmer (Ross) and his all white cast of Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Chandler (Matthew Perry) and Monica (Courteney Cox Arquette)  and of course the Italian European American, Joey. This adds to the racist crowd of Italian Americans in New York-who are generally very racist despite some exceptions among them, such casting promotes their racism. ANGEL which started off all WHITE has somehow added a Blackman to its cast but as usual, he is not there to die out as his successors decades ago, but he is there to make Angel (David Boreanaz) an immigrant name, look better. So, Hollywood is concerned with promoting all WHITE EUROPEAN AMERICAN CASTS instead of blacks who have been here longer than immigrants from Europe since black slaves were dragged to work for free in America before massive immigration into America took place. Indeed, these very descendents of slaves today are scrambling for the scraps from the table of opportunity while European Americans are portrayed as representative of America (sic, Amerika). SMALLVILLE is a remake of the SUPERMAN movie which was designed to be patriotic: RED, WHITE AND BLUE attire that he wore to promote the US across the World as a hegemony that the EVIL EMPIRE has become. In SMALLVILLE, the only black cast member is there to make the WHITE CLARK KENT look good as he draws the movie into a soap opera action movie for its viewers which even goes against much of the original SUPERMAN movie.

            Even more regrettable are the African Americans who have lost their Islamic heritage and adopted the Christian culture of racism promoted in institutional racism and a trend to wipe the blackness out of them. Case in point is Denis Rodman(who has colored his hair blond and looks obnoxious) , Michael Jackson(who claims to have had a disease which is granted because such diseases do exist but why have plastic surgery to straighten the lovely nose God gave you?), Blu Cantrell (who has colored her beautiful natural black hair to blond and looks like a Barbie makeover of one of the Charmed Ones), and last but not least is Beyonce who has colored her natural black beautiful hair blond-she already has a very sexy, attractive body and her feminine side is exceptional but why destroy the blackness for WHITE America? The answer is sadly that not only does black America suffers from what Malcolm X called the HOUSE SLAVE MENTALITY but in addition and a recent development since only a few decades after his martyrdom, African Americans are trying to look like the former MASSAS or descendents of slave owners (the blond Hair, blue eyes) which is shameful really. A persons identity is crucial to whom he or she is and once you replace that with anothers identity you are lost! At least this is what my late Uncle Al hajj Mirza Abdul Majid (Abdullah) used to tell me. Massive advertising of major American Companies promote the American patriotic ideology and one such ad by TOMMY HIL FIGER proves it when it said: BORN IN THE USA, BUT FROM BACKGROUNDS SPANNING THE GLOBE, OUR REAL TEEN MODELS LOOK TO THE FUTURE WITHOUT FORGETTING THEIR CULTURAL PAST. HERE, THESE FRESH FACES OF AMERICA SHOW THEIR TRUE COLORS IN CLASSIC AMERICAN STYLES BY TOMMY HIFIGER. It is ironic that everything said here is a lie just as when the US government speaks of freedom and justice for all inside America. To begin with, those born in the US are busy promoting a culture that still praises and looks to the European Superstructure as being perfect, their white skin and blonde hair as well as blue eyes MUST BE SEEN AS AN ENVY to the Worlds masses in Soap Opera that penetrate the homes and minds of black and colored women across the World. So any kind of WITHOUT FORGETTING THEIR CULTURAL PAST is a lie because they promote only one culture: a WHITE DOMINANT EUROPEAN AMERICAN CULTURE in 2004 which is shameful and a reminder as Malcolm X rightly said, our struggle to end slavery and the slavery mind has moved from the South to the North but it is not over yet! Finally the only true colors the Tommy Hilfiger Company promotes are the colors of the American Governments Flag-war Red, shameful white and lying blue. Indeed, Tommy Hilfigers owner has been caught saying his opposition to blacks for many years and still his company has not seen a massive boycott of any kind thus promoting institutional racism in America of 2004.

                American culture is a culture obsessed with the CIA and being SPIES for uncle SAM in fact from SPY KIDS to I-SPY to a host of other TV shows and movies an alliance with the Black Americans can be seen in its fight to preserve the Evil Empire of America in movies as THE SUM OF ALL FEARS with European American Ben Aflack who has gone publicly to discriminate against Arabs to Morgan Freeman (an Afro American). From the days of movies as JOHN WAYNE Westerns to Clint Eastwood, killing the ENEMIES of the American Empire has been the number one priority even if that enemy is its original inhabitants as the American Indians. In the LION KING which is supposed to show beautiful Africa, supposed to have African Music and suppose to show Africans or at least have African voices since it is a cartoon production; the reality on the ground is some European American music, European American dominant cast with European American accents in an African landscape, and European Americanization of the whole African Story. This brutal Europeanization of our developing nations is shameful indeed as Europeans seek to dominate the World and perhaps bring back the dreadful slavery past, apartheid past and bully nature they were known for in centuries before. If they wish to live in peace with the developing World and our generation it would be in their interests to realize that there are other races among the family of the Human race on this planet, that white boys and white girls are not the only ones to fall in love and look good on the screen, that the white family is not the perfect family because the perfect families were seen in the Prophets (AS) and Masoomeen (AS), family of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) and they were not white or European but Arab! Even Moses (AS) was black and NOT European. Indeed Jesus (AS) was NOT white but burnt brown Semite! So, Hollywood would do well in presenting the truth and not be like the agent for the US government which it is by promoting the interests of the US government and a racism this World will wake up to eventually. Since it is known that the Zionist Jews predominate Hollywood now, that day will take a long time to come-in the meantime we must resist Hollywoods racist agendas.

                    Only recently the Arabs and Muslims of Bahrain objected to the Americans making of the movie BIG BROTHER on their island which shows that it is alright to have sex with someone who one is not married to and a host of other acts that break the laws of God. This is the kind of culture that America has and anyone, Muslim or Arab American or Americans themselves who worship this culture of Dajjal will certainly end up in hell because it is the culture of not only Sodom and Gomorra but of Hell itself. Those of you who know the true story of the creation of Heaven and Hell know that even the Angel Gabriel (AS) was scared when he saw hell and commented that the road to hell was paved with riches, parties, drunkards, what Americans call raves-the same kind of sexual communism that existed in Roman times and drug abuse as well as rapes while intoxicated-and a host of other things. Whereas, Heaven is beautiful and the road to heaven is filled with hardships, sacrifices, even poverty, loss, pain and God helps those who ask for help in prayer and in a commitment to following His laws, for the end result is a life of total satisfaction. The only advice to Americans is what God gave us in the Holy Quran: God does not help a people unless they help themselves. Americans have all the benefits of Islam here and the answers in the Holy Quran, they just have to reach out and try to change their lives whereas, the Muslims-Arabs who come to this country solely for greed, for fashion statements, brand names, to keep up with the Bushs(Jones), and to make fun or mock God and His religion, will find their abode in Hell forever if they do not change as well. God is not unreasonable; humans are in not being able to admit the truth, see their mistakes and understand that the ideology of God is supreme and when someone is already on this path, to try and change them is to commit an act against God Himself. For those who reject this view: look around and show me the role models of Toby Bryan, O. J. Simpson, Whitney Housten, Bobby Brown, and Robert Downey Jr., Martha Stewart, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears (who insulted the institution of marriage), Pamela Anderson (the queen of porn white trash), Courtney Love (the queen of drug abuse) and a  host of other European American actors too, linked with their house slaves, the American Culture is a culture of satan basically and it will get worst coming near to the rise of Imam MAhdi(AS) and Jesus(AS). This is why Imam Khomeini(RA) called this country THE GREAT SATAN and he did not even set foot on its soil for its culture has been exported to every corner of the earth and its clearly satanic in nature. Anything that opposed God must be satanic for only God is love, Just, fair and we shall all return to Him alone and not to satan or an American Country in Heaven!

Here are links to how immigrants are being treated today since Homeland Security (Sic, McCarthyism or Red Scare of the 1950s):








Children being detained in the US:




The American Government is committing neo-slavery in the 21st Century with the support of much of its population just as in ROMAN times when the ROMANS supported slavery and the games in the Coliseum. This US government is holding the lives of 20,000,000 people literally hostage to administrative terrorism and vast human rights violations by detention, massive deportations, break up of families, luring immigrant women into prostitution in order for them to survive since all other jobs are denied them and status as well. This US government also denies education, health facilities, travel, and many other privileges their own citizens have when they travel to the developing World today. This is despite the fact that these 20,000,000 people are contributing so much that if they were to be taken out of America today right now, America will fall flat on its arse! The Libyan Leader Muammar Ghadaffie once said that if the 20,000,000 were to be armed along with their American Indian brothers and sisters, they will destroy the system that enslaves and oppresses them. While he is right; who is he to say this when he rules over the Libyan people as an ACCEPTED DICTATOR today because he allows his country to be demeaned and bullied into accepting responsibility for an act of terrorism they did not do at all and to literally BUY peace from the European Government in Britain and European American Government! However, even with that I would not be holding my breadth because if there is one thing you must understand is that Arabs, Muslims and immigrants who come to America do not come to change it; they come for greed, money, the lifestyle they see in Hollywood movies and to break the laws of the 10 Commandments because its more difficult for them to do this in their native countries. Indeed, we have noted that the Hijab of many Saudi women comes off when they come to the West but in the Kingdom they keep it on: the question I have is what will they tell God on the Day of Judgment because God is watching them inside and outside of Saudi Arabia? These 20,000,000 and 2,000,000 American Indians are so apolitical and their apathy is so much, this is the reason why the American Governments super-exploitation has been able to be carried on for so long. Indeed they, like the Israelis are excellent propagandists brainwashing the Arab-Muslim and World minds via their organs of propaganda. Case in point they have begun to work with MOSSAD to carry out terrorist acts against Iraqis slaughtering them and blaming Al Qaida for it all. What they failed to realize is that AL Qaida knows the punishment for killing Muslims and Arabs and is it not ironic that Al Qaidas whole platform has been to expose the US and its SECOND CRUSADE Alliance, so why would they do anything to damage that image unless this is reverse propaganda waged by the West inside Iraq today?

                  Perhaps the worst use of FREE WILL is in America today where the Government thinks for the people literally. God gave Humans FREE WILL but He also gave them His laws to do what is right, in order to regain the Kingdom of Heaven. Yet, despite all this, besides having a government that thinks and tells them how to think by spreading the ideology of patriotism after 9/11 just as Hitler did to overcome the German and Austrian Superstructures if you read the book MEIN KAMPF on page 682 he says: FRANCE HAS OCCUPIED THE RUHR; WHAT IS IN THE RUHR? COAL. THEREFORE, FRANCE HAS OCCUPIED THE RUHR ON ACCOUNT OF THE COAL.  If we put that in todays context, we see AMERICA has occupied Iraq; what is in Iraq? OIL. Therefore, America has occupied Iraq on account of the Oil. It is amazing how history repeats itself. ON page 687 Hitler speaks about Socialists but one should warn Muslims and Arabs that Socialists (called BAATHISTS) in the Middle East are no model for Arabs and Muslims just as they are in the US seeming to be aligned with us, they have no interests in having the laws of God in effect here. They are as liberal as those in the US government and the only thing that is different from them is that those in the US government are the elites but both American Socialists and US Government share the same naked patriotic Nazi type of attitude when it comes to viewing the rest of the World. Despite the fact that History and Geography were two of Hitlers most favored subjects, he failed to understand them himself. His mistakes are too many but few are as such: he made an issue of race when dealing with Aryans not seeing that not all Aryans are trustworthy and it is like not being sensible to see that the best minds on the planet comes from the whole family of human beings. Second, Hitler recognized that Germans were ill equipped and not well capable of fighting wars-they needed to be trained and such is the case of the Iraqis today who had superior weapons but are poorly trained militarily. Another fault is that Hitler failed to see what Napoleon did wrong from History by attacking Russia instead of keeping the alliance; so he too failed and lost by trying to invade Moscow. Hitler was obviously not a good student of History after all. Finally, Hitler recognized that the Jew controls much of Europe and today America and this is why Muslims and Arabs will never get any redress unless united with an Eastern Army to wield power over their oppressors. Indeed where Hitler failed and Napoleon perhaps the one yet to come will not?

                  One thing that has not changed is American Arrogance. An example of American Arrogance: This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation of a US Naval ship and the Canadians, off the coast of Newfoundland, Oct 95.

Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.
CANADIANS: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a collision.

AMERICANS: Recommend YOU divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the North, to avoid a collision.

CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

AMERICANS: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert your course.

CANADIANS: Negative. I say again, you will have to divert your course.


CANADIANS: We are a lighthouse. Your call

On the issue of American arrogance, the Green party has something to say as well:


According to the article entitled: Greens reject American arrogance on Tuesday, 12 August 2003.Press Release: Green Party

Green MP Keith Locke has rejected American claims that the nuclear issue is a relic of the Cold War. Mr Locke said comments made yesterday by US trade undersecretary Grant Aldonas, who indicated nuclear ship access to New Zealand was more important now than in the Cold War, defied logic. NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR POWER DID NOT SUDDENDLY BECOME SAFE AT THE END OF THE COLD WAR,said Green Disarmament spokesperson Keith Locke. So little progress has been made nuclear disarmament since the end of the Cold War that it is vital that countries like New Zealand maintain their anti-nuclear stance: Another confrontation between India and Pakistan could involve the use of nuclear weapons, and there's no guarantee that Israel would not use its nukes in a conflict with a neighboring state. Mr Locke said the United States seemed to be desperately searching for reasons to justify the massive military budget it has maintained since the Cold War ended more than a decade ago: It is absurd to think that we need American nuclear bombs and warships to keep terrorists at bay. The arrogant projection of American power actually fuels more terrorism than it prevents. SOURCE:

21.03.03 - 13.20American Arrogance

Arrogance of Power: Today I Weep for my Country... An eloquent speech delivered on the floor of the U.S. Senate by Senator Robert Byrd, one of the incredibly rare voices of sanity in Washington, DC.

Instead of reasoning with those with whom we disagree, we demand obedience or threaten recrimination. Instead of isolating Saddam Hussein, we seem to have isolated ourselves. We proclaim a new doctrine of preemption which is understood by few and feared by many. We say that the
United States has the right to turn its firepower on any corner of the globe which might be suspect in the war on terrorism. We assert that right without the sanction of any international body. As a result, the world has become a much more dangerous place.

We flaunt our superpower status with arrogance. We treat UN Security Council members like ingrates who offend our princely dignity by lifting their heads from the carpet. Valuable alliances are split.

Since House slaves have developed so well with the American Empire here is something on African American arrogance:

What unmitigated arrogance to think that a word can be owned and its definition subjected to a level of slavery unlike any form ever experienced in history by plant, animal or human, in order to serve an individualized political agenda.  Take for example the word NIGGER.  Black humans, particularly some black Americans, assert it as a god-given right to be able to call one another a nigger (spelled Nigga, Niga, Nigar, or Niggar), but if someone from any other race does so, no matter the context, it is called an act of racism or prejudice.  Likewise when a Black person calls another Black person a dog (spelled dawg, or daug).  In short, on the one hand it is viewed as a sort of affectation akin to a lovers sobriquet and yet on the other hand it can be arbitrarily viewed as a disparagement that can be used on any occasion as a weapon called discrimination, to assist in ones personalized motives of seeking a superior position of equanimity, and conceals an underlying dichotomous frame of mind that is antithetical to a larger social consciousness that is growing ever more so three-patterned oriented, particularly amongst non-black peoples.

This attitude of seeking a superior position of equanimity through personal ownership of a self-referential disparagement framed as a form of verbal recognition that one gives to a pet or toy such as a doll or stuffed animal, is evident in the Black view that the slavery endured by black Americans in centuries past, is a superior form of slavery ever experienced by anyone, anywhere, and that they deserve a superior form of affirmative action, reparation, and apology.  Again, such a perspective is but another example of attempting to subjugate words and their definitions to serve separately defined collective experiences for the purpose of rationalizing a selected entourage of black political activists, educators, and religious leaders, into superior forms of citizens who can be distinguished from all other blacks.

Even American actress Susan has something to say about American arrogance:

Sarandon says even September 11
could not diminish American arrogance

Country as divided as during the Civil War

Posted Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:30 p.m. PST

Susan Sarandon, speaking in the U.K. to the BBCs TV and radio listings magazine, Radio Times…Sarandon said that America is arrogant and that President G.W. Bush is responsible for a country that is more divided than at any other time since the Civil War. I lost a very dear friend in the Twin Towers on 11 September and thought the shock was so huge that American arrogance would be diminished. Instead, our president has turned it into one of the most divisive times since the Civil War. She added that she had become the subject of a WITCH-HUNT.

                  Even further comments on American arrogance and xenophobia at the heart of these issues can be seen at:

Which states that: I think American arrogance and xenophobia do play a large role in the current world situation. It is all part of our culture and comes at us from many directions from the first day we suck down a breath of air. Public education has a nationalistic undertone to it. History is sanitized and written by the victor - just read some elementary school history books if you want to verify. As recent as 20 years ago (probably more recent) history books would sometimes refer to
the Native Americans of 200 years ago as savages (and I do not mean
when quoting a person). Helen Keller, besides what she was famous
for, was also an outspoken socialist as well as an activist in other
areas. But our history books leave that part out. Children are
taught about the greatness of the capitalistic system and the flaws
of other systems. Obviously if they are to take their place in the
cogs of the capitalistic machinery they have to believe what they
are doing is the best way to live. And that is just the formal educational part. A lot of a persons ways of thinking have been passed down from the older generation. All that crosses over to give the average American citizen the sense that OUR WAY is the ONLY right way to live and that anyone (or any country) who chooses a different way must be unenlightened, or barbaric and hopeless. This gets reinforced a lot of times with religions that also claim a monopoly on the Truth.

                 Even support internationally against US arrogance is growing and it is very damaging to the US. In fact, the glorification of OSama bin laden who has killed Shia Muslims in Afghanistan at the orders of America is frightening indeed. See

A Ukrainian citizen Elena Saled, who heads Zaparozhe district unit of the political organization Edina Rodina, or United Motherland has decided to change her name into Osama bin Laden out of her fascination for the Saudi-born renegade, reports reaching here say. Saled, according Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) driven by love and respect for the most wanted man on the planet, applied to the local ZAKS (marriage and birth registration office) with all seriousness to change her full name into Osama bin Laden. The registration office had to oblige. When asked to explain the motive behind her name change, she said bin Laden is her hero, as he turned out to be the one who could challenge the Americans who have (been) trying to impose their values, way of life, political system over the world, local media reports say: I am dead against American hegemony and arrogance, and I salute Osama bin Laden for his courage to wage a war against the U.S. arrogance, said Saled.

                What we have to understand is that the integration of Afro-Americans and people of color is crucial to the survival of the Neo-Roman American Empire and indeed for the Christian Fundamentalist-Zionist Jewish alliance in its Second Crusade in history against Islam-Arabs and Muslims, collectively. This is only a recent phenomenon because this did not exist effectively during American Slavery and up till the 1960s. While Malcolm X rightly identified the HOUSE SLAVE MENTALITY and the use of blacks against blacks during slavery as the black Slave driver with the Whip on the plantation versus all other slaves on the plantation felt he was above all others and on par with his White master. This is the case of Colin Powell today who thinks he is on par with Bush and above all other blacks and coloreds in this nation who can not see beyond HOMELAND SECURITY and Gestapo tactics to deny us our rights and freedoms in America as well as their own European American working class as well. Today, we have blacks and coloreds who identify themselves either knowingly or unknowingly with the European American oppressor with an ideology of patriotism and military glory in suppressing, occupying and bombing other defenseless nations across our planet. These are the roots of the Third World Nuclear War which has also begun in subtle terms as America pisses off other Nuclear Powers around the globe.

                In addition to the billions of dollars spent on propaganda to SELL the ideology to the American people, there exists also, pro-Zionist and even Zionist owned companies as STAR BUCKS which is 100% Zionist Jewish owned with its owner even boasting about his support for Israel and the genocide against Palestinians. Then we have McDonalds, Coco Cola and many other companies which export American propaganda throughout the developing World. The FLOWER child of the 1960s did not do anything for the movement really because while her reactionary opposition to the US Government in killing the yellow man in Vietnam and the areas surrounding, she carried herself perfectly well with a liberal ideology which included bearing her breasts in public, carrying out sexual communism, burning of her bras, and basically breaking the laws of God to make a point to the establishment because she lacked the guidance of Islam and the laws of the Holy Bible. The result is a society which is bankrupt morally and the result is the Jerry Springer Show which truly reflects American Society so much that US Congressmen tried to get it banned and tried to stop it from being exported to other countries. Even Mr. Springer like other talk shows show a sick America that needs help instead of spending trillions in a Space program to MARS or on dropping bombs on other countries which cost millions of dollars a bomb and indeed fighter planes which costs billions of US dollars.  

                As a result of the violence the United States Government and its Arab-Muslim dictatorship allies as well as those in Europe have been impressing on our Arab-Muslim lands; their own culture has become, like in ROMAN times, very violence and sick. This sickness permeates from Hollywood, elite America, lifestyles of the ugly and infamous, to their High Schools where they are trying to kill each other to the streets where gansta style of urban warfare exists to violence in their sports right up to their homes breed a generation of soldiers who wish to kill, kill and kill alone abusing anyone they come across and this is why the American army today is the most abusive in the World. It is with such a threat to World peace that sober and sane people, not only Muslims and Arabs but even good Jews and those who follow the laws of God in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran among other Holy Books that preach the unity of God, see a disturbing trend of the growth of satans army instead of an army of God and for justice on our small planet today. What we are noticing today is American-European Societies bent on breaking the laws of both God and man; allowing their governments to carry our extra judicial executions and behaving as if, that its o.k. to do that but when Al Qaida does the same, they are called TERRORISTS instead of calling their own governments and the Israeli government who sponsors and are instrumental in carrying out STATE TERRORISM; then we see a clear double standards in the way the United Nations responds to our crises and the crises of the Western Christian-Jewish nations-for example, it took the whole World to come up with an alliance to bomb, invade, occupy and bully Iraq into regime change which has broken every single law known in international law, UN law and even certain conventions but when it come to the Zionist Israeli occupation of Golan Heights since almost half a century now, the Americans and their allies are dumb, deaf and blind conveniently; this double standards does not affect regime change in places where Muslims are suffering such as Kazakhstan under Muslim dictator Karim or in Pakistan under dictator General Musharaff or in Algeria or Tunis with dictator Ben Ali or Despotic Kings as King Fahd of Saudi Arabia who oppresses Saudi Muslims so that the west can continue to have cheap oil and he can steal eleven million dollars a day, placing it in Swizz Accounts in Europe according to the research of Saudi Human Rights Organizations and the Hezbollah of Saudi Arabia; and last, but not least is the most disturbing development in the acceptance of Arab-Muslim Americans for the actions of what they have begun to call THEIR GOVERNMENT in the World despite the fact that THEIR GOVERNMENT does not see them as the loyal HOUSE SLAVES that they have become for Uncle Sam.   

            In conclusion, the culture of Dajjal is the work of the devil (satan) to divide the colorful family of the Human Beings as they try to regain their journey back to the Garden of Eden (Heaven), from whence our common forefathers and foremothers, black Adam (AS) and black Eve came from indeed. Not until our planet truly experience color blindness, economic equality, justice, an end to wars stirred up by Capitalist War mongers of the West and Communist power hungry men of the East (to repeat the words of Imam Khomeini(RA) NEITHER EAST (RUSSIA) NOR WEST(AMERICA) BUT ISLAM, will we ever have peace. In the words of a 9 year old North Korean girl on the American television program 60 Minutes, the last Sunday in February, 2004: THE ONLY WAY FOR WORLD PEACE IS TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES. While she is right, we need to redefine what she meant-not the people of the US or topography of the land of America but its evil government in Washington, DC. As Shia Muslims we are told that will happen militarily at the hands of Jesus(AS) under the command of Imam Mahdi(AS), in a time yet to come, inshaAllah. However, before that an Anti-Christ will rise from Syria and unite two countries to create a huge army as well as an alliance from the East to strike at Europe and America and sack Europe for 500 years of theft during Colonialism of the developing world(what I refer to as poetic justice). 




The Crimes of Bush are so much that it will take books to list them and for his father, BUSH senior, it will take a childrens library to list them all literally. Here are some of BUSH Jrs crimes:

(1)   We all know now that he lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction and this is after the UN has totally searched Iraq and concluded this before the War of aggression against Iraq. Whatever, excuse they tell you as they wanted to remove Saddam, you must remember that they kept him in power before and Saddam was about to be removed totally from power, that is why they rushed in to finish the job with Kurdish assistance and claim the victory and honor in removing him.

(2)   That Saddam Hussein had purchased Uranium from Niger, Africa to make a nuclear bomb which is a lie. If they were so worried about Nukes, then why not disarm Israel?

(3)   America must fight in a war against terror which includes regime change in some countries which has access to oil and which has oil themselves as well as huge Arab and Muslim populations so that they can carry out genocide under the guise of WAR ON TERROR which is also a lie.

(4)   Bush violated the UN Charter and defied its Security Council-seeking afterwards in 2004 to capitalize on such mistakes by sharing the bounty from Iraq with the Europeans.

(5)   Bush Isolates himself and the American Empire from its allies as mentioned above-France and Germany are against the US temporarily now.

(6)    According the Newspaper MUSLIMS NEW YORK dated February 6th 2004, page 10, Bush has created a Gestapo type American Society in which Muslims-Arabs and Progressive Americans of all Colors are now the targets. Such a development existed in the past with McCarthyism RED SCARE in which hundreds of thousands of Americans were arrested, some killed, tortured, lost of property and jobs and created much hardships because the US government became Gestapo like the NAZI government in Germany. Americans should have tried to avoid this ever repeating itself in History just as they vowed to stop slavery from ever repeating itself yet, in todays world, neo-slavery in the form of immigrant slavery exists in America where immigrant women who are not documented are raped and abused by American men. As for Bush, the newspaper was clear to accuse him of: IN HIS FRANTIC QUEST FOR TERRORISTS, HE STOOPS TO BIGOTED MEASURES BASED ON RACE AND NATIONAL ORIGIN, TRAMPLES ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, AND SPREADS FEAR AND DISBELIEF THROUGHOUT THE LAND. THOSE OF MIDDLE EASTERN ANCESTORY, AND MANY OTHERS, BUCKLE UNDER GOVERNMENT-INFLICTED HUMILIATIONS AND ABUSES?o:p>

(7)   According to the same newspapers, dated the same day and on the same page, states another of Bushs crimes: FRUSTRATED BY IRAQI DISSIDENTS (freedom resistance fighters for the total freedom of Iraq from American occupation) WHO PROTEST THE OCCUPATION BY KILLING U.S. TROOPS ALMOST DAILY, THE PRESIDENT REVERTS TO WAR MEASURES. HE ORDERS HEAVY AERIAL BOMBING IN WIDE AREAS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE in peace time!


(9)   BUSH is accused of inheriting a position from his father and previous US Presidents, and we are NOT ignoring Clinton here, who in the 1980s at the height OF SADDAMS CRUEL TREATMENT  OF KURDS AND OTHER IRAQI CITIZENS-THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SERVED AS THE DICTATORS SILENT, UNCOMPLAINING PARTNER(exactly like what they are doing to Kazakhstan to day and Azerbaijan and Algeria to name a few countries where the US government presently in 2004 supports dictators ruling over massive Muslim and Arab populations who are angry at this reality and will strike back at any chance they get), HELPING HIM BATTLE IRAN BY PROVIDING INTELLIGENCE, AND CRITICAL MILITARY SUPPLIES, EVEN SOME COMPONENTS OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. –AT THE END OF THE 1991 GULF WAR, IRAQIS HAD A BITTER EXPERIENCE WITH THE PRESIDENTS FATHER. PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, SR., PUBLICLY URGED THE IRAQIS TO OVERTHROW SADDAM. HIS CALL PROMPTED A STRONG UPRISING, BUT BUSH REFUSED U.S. SUPPORT IN ANY FORM. Iraqis are likely NEVER to forget that!

(10)BUSH is accused of lying to the Iraqi people about promising FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IN THEIR COUNTRY when he installed a puppet ruler, installs a puppet Council NOT elected by the people and he has persistently denied elections even after Saddam has been captured.

(11)BUSH has failed to halt the anti-Arab bias against Arab-Muslim Americans inside the US. The result is that he is directly responsible for the deaths of over 60 Arab-Muslim Americans since 9/11.

(12)Bush is accused of NOT distancing himself from funding Israeli terrorism while simultaneously paying lip service to the Palestinian peace process. Bush does not condemn Israeli Prime Minister Sharons brutality in carrying out terrorist acts as assassinations of Palestinian leaders, military forays that leave death and destruction, high fences that steals Palestinian good grazing lands and water supplies while claiming to want peace and most of all, Zionist Ariel Sharon has not yet been brought to justice for the assassination of my cousin and his family as well as Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila Refugee camps in Lebanon in the 1992 and 1980s respectfully.

(13)We charge Bush with having started the SECOND CRUSADES with Christian Fundamentalist-Zionist Jewish American directing from his government and authority over the Military Industrial Complex in this country of Amerika.

(14) We charge BUSH with stealing Iraqi Oil by two million barrels of oil per day which goes through Turkey and as this is being prepared, it is still being done!

(15)Bush is accused of torturing 660 Muslim Afghanis at Cuba and many other Americans who have converted to Islam as a way to deter such rapid conversion to Islam by the masses-one act of the alliance of Christian Fundamentalist-Zionist Jewish alliance. We accuse Bush of fuelling paranoia against our people inside the US such as with the deliberate incarceration of Imam Jamil Al-Amin; Sami AL-Arian from Tampa, Florida who is a Palestinian American Professor accused of being a TERRORIST by the paranoid Bush Christian Fundamentalist-Zionist Jewish alliance as well as, Jose Padilla; Siddique Abdullah Hasan and jailed Sister Haila Gabr. Ahmed Abdel Sattar an Egyptian Arab American is also being held and you can help by sending letters to: Judge John Koetl at 500 Pearl Street, Chamber 1030, New York, NY, 10007. And Send a copy also to the WARDEN MARVIN MORRISON at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, 150 Park Row, New York, NY, 10007. Drop brother Ahmed Abdel Sattar a letter as well at Number # 53506-054 at the same address at the Warden above. He has a clean record, has never committed a crime, and is a classical Political Prisoner being held in the US. He does oppose the US government but with the record this government and successive governments like it in the past have, who would blame him? Raise his plight in chat rooms, websites, emails, phone ins, local newspapers and expose the US government and BUSH for such crimes against human beings who are supposed to be protected by their government. It is ironic that Arabs who left the Middle East, left American backed dictators and American backed Despotic Kings only to come to an America which oppresses us now simply because we choose to expose the devilish acts being carried out in the name of Americans across the World which is yielding hatred every second and its only a matter of time if we do not stop this, will hurt our families, friends and ourselves in acts that will truly be termed TERRORIST but would have its origins right here in US government oppression.

(16)We accuse BUSH of not standing up to the Military and Economic interests in the US government. In fact, like Chenny, VICE PRESIDENT, he also stands to profit from contracts in Iraq which would be made possible only if Iraq was attacked-another motive for the war instead of the lies given by the US. We accuse Bush of profiting from the blood of YOUNG AMERICANS sent, drunk on patriotism to fight, die and commit acts of genocide for Corporate America in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as using the CIA to stir up divisions between Sunnis and Shias to destroy each other. As we see another political entertainment with the Democratic Presidential Primary, in 2004, we are saying now that no change will be made and Syria and Iran will be threatened with war in this administration later on this year or by the new administration in early 2005: according to page 11 of the said Newspaper, PRIMARY ENTERTAINMENT by Elder George, he says: KERRY FROM MAINE, DEAN FROM VERMONT, LIBERMAN ( Zionist American Jew), FROM CONNECTICUT, EDWARD FROM NORTH CAROLINA, SHARPTON FROM NEW YORK, KUCINICH (whom many Arab Americans supported because he has the INTERESTS of the Arab American Community at hand-we must remember that the same Arab Americans voted for BUSH in the 2000 elections brought that butcher of Texas to power-actually he stole the election, another lie and deception to come to power!) FROM OHIO, AND CLARK FROM ARKANSAS. WE LEARNED THAT CLARK CAME FROM A POOR BACKGROUND AND COULDNT GO TO EXPENSIVE PRIVATE  SCHOOLS LIKE HIS OPPONENTS, BUT WENT TO WEST POINT INSTEAD?KERRY WEARS DESIGNER SUITS, SHIRTS, AND TIES;WHEREAS DEAN WEARS OFF THE RACK CLOTHES. …DEAN OPPOSES OUR PRESENCE IN IRAQ, THAT LIBERMAN CONSIDERS HIMSELF TO BE MIDDLE OF THE ROADER, THAT CLARK GOT FIRED FROM NATO, THAT KUCINICH IS A VEGETARIAN, THAT EDWARDS IS FIVE YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIS WIFE, THAT MRS DEAN WILL CONTINUE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE IF SHE BECOMES THE FIRST LADY, AND THAT SHARPTON GOT 473 VOTES OUT OF MORE THAN 200,000 CAST IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.HOW WILL ALL OF THIS AFFECT OUR LIVES? THE CANDIDATES DID NOT ADDRESS THE NUMBER OF MEN ROTTING AWAY IN PRISON (WE HAVE THE HIGHEST INCARCERATION RATE IN THE WORLD), THE COLLAPSE OF OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM (COLLEGE SENIORS KNOW LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS DID 50 YEARS AGO), AND THE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH OF OUR WOMEN(AMERICAN WOMEN HAVE THE HIGHEST RATES OF BREAST CANCER IN THE WORLD AND THE HIGHEST RATES OF DEBILITATING DEPRESSION as well as the highest rate of heart attacks among women)?IF WE ASKED ABOUT THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CASRE, THE HIGH DIVORCE RATE, THE PERVERTED SEX EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS, THE CASUALNESS OF UNWED MOTHERHOOD(all part of this liberal ideology that America is propagating) THE INFRIDGEMENT ON OUR PRIVACY, THE HIGH INCERCATION RATE, AND THE EXPLOSION OF PORNOGRAPHY, THE MEDIA WOULD BE REPORTING ON A WHOLE NEW SET OF RESPONSES?IN ESSENCE WE ARE BEING CONDITIONED TO THINK ABOUT, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON WHAT THE ESTABLISHMENT CONSIDERS TO BE IMPORTANT, RATHER THAN WHAT IS, IMPORTANT TO OURSELVES,THE FAMILY, AND THE SOCIAL ORDER. Mr. Elder George can be reached at (212) 874-7900 Ext. 1329 and his website is at:


      America is a sick country and when no one looks at how to make it better, it will get worst. The Children of our leaders are also sick and crying out for help, for example, Former Vice President AL Gores twenty one year old son has been charged with substance abuse (marijuana possession charge) and this is not his only charge under the law, he was charged with drunk driving before as well-see GORES SON SENTENCED TO DRUG PROGRAM by Stephen Manning (Yahoo News, Monday February 2nd 2004). Bushs crimes are not surprising since his own children have been abusing alcohol and he himself abused drugs. If this is the quality of leadership Americans have to expect, then it is right to say that the American Society is a sick one that needs help and change if America is to be a truly Great Nation as it was in its early inception under General George Washington. Saddam Hussiens crimes are well documented at the site: Http://

      With acts like we have seen in Moscow Metro Blast which killed 69 people on February 6th 2004, we can expect more if policies from Russia and America do not change towards the oppression of and genocide of Muslims in Chechnya and places as Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan among many other Arab and Muslim countries presently facing State terrorism and are its victims for a number of years now


The Muslim Response to State terrorism from America and Israel:

According to Http:// A Haitian named Ednar Ducoste, aged 23, said about the US soldiers in Haiti: IF WE HAD GUNS, WE WOULD BE FIGHTING THEM RIGHT NOW. Sometimes Western Muslim Imams really surprise me!!

We are the ones being terrorized and not the other way round; yet these Imams are telling us to WORK WITH AND HELP FIGHT TERRORISM? How many Jews and Christians do you see being hurled off to prison on triumphed up charges (as in the United States and Britain), how many of them are being bombed (as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Uzbekistan and a host of other places where Muslims live as in the Philippines), how many of them are losing their kids to American sponsored Israeli bullets (as in Palestine), how many of them are facing walls being built to keep them out (as in Palestine), how many of them are having their Holy Places occupied by Pork eating American soldiers (as in Iraq, Saudi Arabia today), how many of them are under threat directly from laws designed to discriminate against them (as in the US and in Thailand against Muslims there or in Philippines where the Muslims have to carry Identification cards whereas, Christians there do not have to?). So, tell me who is really facing terror? Just today we have heard (on April 2nd 2004) that Sharon and Israel have attacked near the AL Aqsa Mosque (the Third Holy Place in Islam) and they are already building a Berlin Styled Wall, they have raided three Palestinian Banks stealing over $150,000,000 U.S. dollars, killing our children with American made missiles and funding from America, stealing more lands while occupying lands in the GOLAN HEIGHTS of SYRIA and LEBANON, and last but not least being protected by the United States in the United Nations as the last vote against the Shaikh Yassin showed when the US refused to condemn Israel for carrying out extra judicial assassinations but tell our people who fight back that they are TERRORISTS!! Now tell me what is wrong with these imams of Masjids who tell us we are to work with the FBI. The same FBI who jailed over 6,000 Muslims and Arabs since 9/11 and have not yet tried them as most of them are innocent and are family men working hard and paying taxes which the American Government uses to fund Israeli state terrorism. In Uzbekistan they are doing the same just as in England-in Muslim lands they are pushing and pushing Muslims and they want us to condemn the only people who are fighting for us? AL QAIDA? Now what is wrong with these Imams really? Are they Muslim or Western slaves? Are these Imams waiting on the Western nations to tamper with the words of the Holy Quran which gives us the right of JIHAD? Had it not been for JIHAD we would have been wiped out by the Pagan Arabs and by the Western Christian Crusades! These Imams must be dumb, deaf and blind to the truth when you look around and see that Muslims and Arabs are being occupied by America and the western allies including Israel, Muslims and Arabs are the ones being killed in gross numbers without striking back at those who attack us. Who are the real terrorists who terrorize us from 16,000 feet dropping bombs, some 3,000 lbs? Who are the real terrorists who lie to the UN to invade a country as Iraq? Who are the real terrorists who claim Weapons of mass destruction only to denuclearize the Arab and Muslim World while Israel and the western powers posses these weapons and we are the ones being oppressed? Who are the TERRORISTS who build walls to cause great hardships on lands that belong to Palestinians, who kill our children in Palestine, who steal lands, who terrorize a population and along with the US demilitarize them and dehumanize them while Arab leaders(puppets of the US do nothing whereas, our brothers and sisters in Palestine have been begging for weapons to free their lands but Arab borders are closed to them because Arab-Despotic leaders are in the pay of America)? Would it not be ironic that all the Arab leaders who gather at Cairo, Egypt are all shot all of a sudden? Would that not free us from the American backed political terrorist state leaders who are trying to destroy Islam? So the Speeches Imams should be making are ones that follow the Prophet (saw) in times of war and we are under attack, Islam's Muslims and the oppressed must unite against the oppressors and not side with them!! The Holy Quran is filled with warnings NOT to side with these devils and their ideologies of Manifest Destiny, to NEW WORLD ORDER to WAR ON TERROR to WAR ON WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION and what next, open war against ISLAM, would we act then? So, we must remind ourselves of what the HOLY QURAN tells us and act like MUSLIMS and not UNCLE SAM tomboys! This war is a war of Al QAIDA (Created by the CIA and Americans) against its creators (AMERICA and its Western Christians and Jewish allies) and let them war and stay neutral in this war. We are NOT ALLOWED according to the Holy Quran to side with the OPPRESSORS (AMERICA AND ITS ALLIES)! Violation of the Holy Quran is a violation of the laws of God and the punishment is far more than what America is threatening the Arab-Muslim World today.







                Often non-Arabs and non-Muslims who are conscious and know what is going on ask us, what should we do as Muslims and Arabs, about our state of affairs today? With Israeli state terrorism as of March 8th 2004 promising strikes in Gaza Strip against an unarmed and ill-equipped people whose weapons have been taken away by Israel itself; an occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan; the demeaning and insults to Islam as well as the deaths of our young people inside and outside America due to hate crimes, it is no wonder why western intellectuals and western Military advisors are running scared as to what the Arabs and Muslims will do next now? The answers to our actions and indeed our inaction comes from our Holy Book (holy Quran), our Ayatollahs or those who have studied the rightly guided Ahlul Bait (AS) teachings or family of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), sayings and from Prophecies left by the Prophets (saw) and Imam Ali (AS) about these times-well documented in various books. Such books include NAHJUL BALAGHA (sermons of Imam Ali (AS)); Sunni Muslim books as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim in which we were warned about Dajjal (the term loosely used for America since it satisfies all the characteristics of Dajjal-a symbol of an eye overlooking a pyramid, stirring up wars in peace time, its aggression towards the oppressed people of our planet etc). We must come up with strategies to deal with our enemies inside America and outside as well. Frankly, I do not see arrogant Americans changing their attitudes as I confront them everyday in America and my brothers and sisters confront them in our Holy lands as well as in Europe and Palestine too. Such arrogance will ultimately lead to war in which we must display massive force and strategies devised to demolish and destroy our enemies with the same fury they bomb our Arab and Muslim countries. Al Qaida has been created by the American Government and they do not fight for us and never will fight for us. It is ironic that the American Government and its Zionist Jewish cousins are busy asking Muslims and Arabs to help them hunt for Al Qaida when America and Israel are carrying out acts of naked terrorism against Arabs and Muslims today such as bombings of Gaza Strip, carrying out extra judicial assassinations and literally dropping bombs on villages, cities and towns without consequences or even a word from the U.N. Yet, today the U.N. is busy trying to denuclearize Iran and Libya for Israel to have complete control of the region and America. What we need is a new force to rise to confront these devils with Nuclear Missiles who are not afraid to use them against America and its allies as well as to have an organization that is spread out in all 57 Islamic Countries capable of responding when one of our nations is attacked and pooling collectively. This collective attack must be forceful and coordinated by skill and a willingness to die for the cause of freedom and justice for our people. The Palestinians failed to learn from the example set by Hezbollah in removing the Israeli Zionists once and for all from Lebanon. These Americans and their Israeli cousins understand only violence and the fact is they are good at using others to carry out their dirty deeds and blaming them afterwards as they did with Al Qaida. Al Qaida even admitted in not having carried out the attacks that killed many Muslims in Iraq this weekend (ending of February-early March) and I believe them because it is not in their interests to get the Muslims and Arabs against them. However, like 9/11 where the Americans and Israeli Mossad had motive and opportunity to carry it out, so too they are trying to cast off the facts that they occupy Iraq today and not Al Qaida; they have bombed Iraq and still do it killing 20-30 Iraqi and Afghani children collectively every week in their so-called terrorist raids which leaves their children in America untouched and their cities untouched. They are the ones who are interfering with the Iraqi constitution and no one interferes with their constitution in America. So, be very careful of what the liars and thieves and bombers tell you because they seek to destroy, divide and conquer our Arab and Muslim people in one way or another as they implement the Second Crusades against us!

                INSIDE AND OUTSIDE AMERICA: Make no mistake about it, since 9/11 America declared war on Islam and Arab-Muslim countries; we have yet to declare war collectively on this Red, White and Blue beast and its allies in Europe and Israel:



(1)  WE need to raise our concerns to those with Nuclear Power to end the collaboration of the West with the UN in their crusades against Muslim and Arab countries. There needs to be an effective boycott of all American companies, American Tourists and American goods as a response to their deliberate fuelling of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim hated inside America.  If they cannot get the message one way, they will get it in their pockets. In fact, all the upset at Bush today is not because he killed many of our children in Afghanistan and Iraq but because he is making Americans pooper while the American elites get richer and that is the only reason why they want him removed and nothing else. This is how many average Americans react today and we all know this to be true especially the Black Hispanics many of us have encountered in New York who, since 9/11 have attacked our people, killing some Muslims of Bangladeshi descent and have threatened many other Arabs and Muslims including myself, three times!! : According to the News on Sunday Flight from Los Angeles to New York, the article entitled American Airlines pilot calls on Christian passengers Monday February 9th 2004, it said: NEW YORK (AFP) -An American Airlines pilot is facing an internal investigation after reportedly asking Christian passengers to identify themselves, and suggesting that non-Christians on his flight were CRAZY. In addition, the slaying of over 60 Arabs-Muslims inside America who were unarmed since 9/11 in hate attacks against Muslims and Arabs, not a single response inside America has been undertaken against these Americans who carried out those hate crimes! The random jailings (incarceration) of Arabs and Muslims not only at Cuba without charges or legal representatives alone but over 5,000 in the US who are still being held and denied basic human rights in a nation that boasts of freedoms and a clean record on Human Rights! The discrimination our children face in the schools of New York and across the country of America in which many Muslim children have told me about the arrogance of some Teachers in calling them TERRORISTS etc. When I taught, all Students of mines were seen as children without a race, religion or nationality-I taught all of them and wanted all to graduate and do very well. I taught my students about American terrorism when they slaughtered American Indians at the Trail of Tears and at Wounded Knee and so many other sites of execution and terror; about the Edit of Milan where Christians slaughtered Christians in huge numbers; of Hitlers Germany where many Zionist Jews stood by and watched many innocent Jews slaughtered so that they could use that  as America has done to 9/11 as an excuse to create an illegal State of Israel on Palestinian lands and as America is doing today, to have access to almost all Muslim countries and to occupy these countries with American hegemony so as to destroy the Arab-Muslim right of Jihad to defend ourselves against aggression and occupation. The Teachers in new York schools need retraining in manners, in religious-racial sensitivity because they are not helping the front of another war brewing against Americans and the US government when it should only be against the US government who commits acts in the name of many innocent Americans and create hostility towards them around the World. Many Americans are buying into this by thinking that they are SAFE but how can you be SAFE when every time you have an event as FOURTH OF JULY or SUPERBOWL 2004, there are more police, more military, more secret agents under cover, and more guns and helicopters and police cars than spectators? In New York for example, in the last FOURTH OF JULY AND LAST CHRISTMAS there were more military out than people! That shows not a SAFE country but a country boxed in, in fear and certainly the so-called TERRORISTS are winning when the US government is feeding terrorism by bombings relentlessly, killing innocent people, raiding homes, degrading fathers-brothers and women in front of their families-that only brews hatred and hatred will lead to actions nobody wants. While we can all agree that Al Qaida is not our saviors, we can agree that our enemies are in Washington and their arrogant people who will never change. I want justice now for all our people!!     


(2) Educate ourselves on the psychological warfare that the US is waging and how it is doing its own citizens who are losing soldiers in huge numbers but instead of saying to end the illegal occupation of Iraq; they are saying send more soldiers in Iraq-that is the level of intelligence of Americans towards what it going on today. The US has been waging a campaign of smear towards Al Qaida and anyone who fights back at its aggression but you do not see Al QAIDA killing our children; you do not see Al Qaida bombing our villages and towns and cities; you do not see Al Qaida occupying our lands and Holy places; you do not see Al Qaida stealing our oil; you do not see Al Qaida crushing any resistance to achieve change of our Arab-Muslim dictators who, like Saddam Hussein, are all American allies; and last but not least, you do not see Al Qaida funding Israeli terrorism against Palestinian Arab Christians and Palestinian Muslims now, do you? The American Government may wish to censor you, deny you your rights and even hunt you but they cannot take away your right to pray and I ask you to pray to Allah to curse them, this Government in Washington and its arrogant people and simultaneously, ask Allah for the return of the army of Imam Mahdi(AS) and Imam Mahdi(AS) as well as his second in command, Prophet jesus(AS) to free all the oppressed people of this World and to slay Dajjal and its allies, inshaAllah.

(3) END THE PRIVILEGES OF THE ARAB LEAGUE AND POMPOUS KINGS and start working for the Arabs-Muslims now! We need to expose Arab dictators supported by America and the evil intentions of this Dajjal government in Washington DC-drag them out in the streets and execute them sending their heads in a bag to Washington never to set up dictators again as the present leader of Algeria and the despotic King Fahd of Saudi Arabia-my King and the King ruling over all Saudis who does not represent the oppressed Saudis or Muslims of the World at all.

(4)  INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY WITH MUSLIMS ACROSS THE GLOBE AND COMBAT ATTEMPTS TO BREAK OUR FAITH AND DESTROY OUR RELIGION! We need to unite the Muslims inside America regardless of sect, nationality or national origins under plans of action-legally, economically, politically and internationally that can assist our people here. The US lies are getting bigger everyday, on the 9th of February, 2004, the US wants us to believe that AL QAIDA has been calling on SUNNI Muslims to come and fight Shia Muslims in Iraq. ANOTHER LIE!! The only ones who will benefit from that will be the US when we fight and kill each other. Even Osama who hated Shias would not suggest such a stupid thing since the objective is to get the American Occupation Army out of Iraq and have free elections for the Iraqi people which AL QAIDA has said previously, so why change their tactics all of a sudden? Another lie was when Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Al Hakim was martyred, the American government and its media was quick to say HE WAS OUR FRIEND AND WAS WORKING WITH US. LIES! LIES! LIES! Every single one of Ayatollah Sayyed Al hakims speech stated very clearly that he wanted the Americans out of Iraq, he wanted elections and he wanted an Islamic state. We need to encourage unity among us and not divisions because as England did when she was a Colonial Power, she divided brother against brother, nations against nations, and tribes against tribes to achieve selfish ends of super-exploitation of the resources of the developing world. The American Government is doing the same and the devil wants to look as if he is not doing that with more lies!! Radio Programs influenced by the Zionist Jewish Defense League in New York have been claiming, as of March 2004, that: IMAMS OF MOSQUES ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH TO DENOUNCE AL QAIDA AMONG THEIR CONGREGATIONS. How can the US or Zionist Jews ask our Imams to denounce Al Qaida when Al Qaida is NOT terrorizing us; the US and Zionist Jews inside America along with their house slaves (to coin a phrase from Malcolm X) or black Hispanics are the ones terrorizing and some even have killed some of our Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters (Some 60 so far since 9/11 and raped some sisters as in Chicago,IL.). It is ironic that the US and Zionist Jews should be telling us this when they are the ones funding Israeli terrorism in Palestine and they are the ones bombing our countries relentlessly without concern for the human lives under those bombs!

(6) In the International arena we need to impress on the Chinese and NORTH KOREANS to assist our brothers in the struggle to rid themselves of American occupiers in Iraq and Afghanistan; against Israeli Zionist Jewish occupiers in Palestine; against Hindu Fundamentalists in Kashmir; against the Russian Superpower aggressors in Chechnya; against the naked aggression of US backed dictator KARIM in Uzbekistan who is presently slaughtering Muslims who have been demonstrating peacefully according to HUMAN RIGHTS GROUPS and may have no other choice now but to take up arms against this monster and against all oppressors regardless of who they oppress or who the oppressors are indeed. We should NOT be afraid to stand against oppression as Allah warned us in the Holy Quran, NEVER STAND with the oppressors and do not be like them!

                        They fear our numbers and our military capability, if pooled collectively, will destroy them and that is why they began by framing AL QAIDA and getting out of the ABM TREATY which prohibited their developments of more small range Nuclear Missiles while they denuclearize our Muslim Nations or buy them out as in the case of Pakistan. The US, its Christian-Jewish allies including Israel have been dividing the Arab-Muslim nations so as not to allow us to unite because if we do we would dominate the planet. The reason for the 1st Crusade about 1,000 years ago was mainly because Islam was seen as a threat due to its huge numbers and its growth potential among the oppressed nations of the known World at that time. Today, in the Second Crusades, Islam is again seen as a threat due to its huge numbers and its potential for growth. Many of the people being harassed in the US are Muslim converts and Arabs and some Muslims. It is a strategic war designed to break Islam by raiding its Charities, Soup kitchens, Mosques and claiming that funds are being raised for Al Qaida despite the fact that many of these places depend on foreign assistance from Muslim countries in the first place! Yet, the arrogance of the US government in asking our Imams to denounce Al Qaida is ridiculous as the ROMANS and JEWS at the time of Christ asking his disciples to denounce him. Actually they did ask and Judas responded and we have many Judas in the Arab and Muslim communities today too but Allah will judge them, so fear not our people, Allah is the greatest of Judges.

                        Christians are easy to count in terms of population sizes because they are not oppressed and not meek as the Holy Bible itself says: THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH and we are told in the Holy Quran that THE OPPRESSED SHALL BECOME LEADERS ON THE LAND AND TRIUMPH OVER THE OPPRESSORS. It is for this reason that an accurate account of how many Muslims on this planet is difficult to reach but according to the Christian writer of a book called ISLAM by Paul Lunde, on page 8 he says: THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD STANDS OUT ABOUT 5.7 BILLION. AS MANY AS 1.7 BILLION ARE MUSLIMS, ONE FIFTH OF MANKIND. ..PERHAPS AS MANY AS ONE-FIFTH OF THE WORLDS MUSLIMS NOW INHABIT SUBSAHARAN AFRICA…THERE ARE LARGE NUMBERS OF MUSLIMS IN CHINA. NOBODY KNOWS EXACTLY HOW MANY, BUT THE FIGURE OF FORTY(40) MILLION IS PROBABLY CLOSER TO THE TRUTH THAN THE SEVENTEEN (17) MILLION OF THE OFFICIAL CHINESE FIGURE. THERE IS A LARGE MOSQUE IN CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND. THERE IS A COMMUNITY OF MUSLIMS OF ALGERIAN DECENT IN FIJI. BETWEEN FIVE AND SIX MILLION MUSLIMS LIVE IN EUROPE, SEVEN OR EIGHT MILLION IN THE UNITED STATES. Our Prophecy says that Islam will be the dominant religion just before the rise of Imam Mahdi(AS) and Prophet Jesus(AS), inshaAllah. However, we must never forget that Islam has never been weaker than it is today due to our own faults. At the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw), as mentioned on page 20 of the said book mentioned above: IN 624 PROPHET MUHAMMAD(SAW) AND THREE HUNDRED (300) FOLLOWERS DEFEATED ONE THOUSAND (1,000) QURAYSH WARRIORS. IN 627 AN ARMY OF TEN THOUSAND (10,000) FROM MECCA WAS DEFEATED BY PROPHET MUHAMMAD(SAW) AND HIS FOLLOWERS. So, anyone who question the Arab-Muslim resolve against the new threat to World peace (America, Israel and its European allies), think again! We are divided today because of the work carried out by MOSSAD and CIA at 9/11 and by a United Nations that turns the other way when it comes to Israeli terrorism and American-British terrorism in the World-whether that terrorism is carried out in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan or Ireland, makes no difference, TERRORISM IS TERRORISM and it must be stopped by a force from the EAST and by the Arabs and Muslims rising to unite all our armies once again to put down this Second Crusade now! InshaAllah.

Across is the MOAB bomb that the Americans used on Iraq, it weighs twenty one thousand pounds. Imagine the weight alone now just imagine if they had bombed themselves by mistake?Hah!!


(1)  We need to stop promoting the careers of Muslim Doctors and Lawyers or professionals inside America instead of advancing their own careers they need to give back to the Arab-Islamic Community, here in the US. Stop promoting the careers of apologists for American terrorism in the World and Americas funding for Israeli terrorism. Let us not be another TRAIL OF TEARS OR WOUNDED KNEE but stand with Allah against the aggressors and its evil plans for World domination.

(2)   We need to stop asking Saudi Arabia and other Arab Muslim countries for funds when we live in the richest country in the World and if we can give the US Government billions of dollars in our tax money to kill Palestinians when they fund Israeli terrorism, we can certainly use that money for building schools, soup kitchens, hire more Muslim Teachers among ourselves who are fully qualified, hire our professionals as the American Jews do to assist and build stronger communities for  themselves. The war that is coming will not be a war against merely America but a war of the good versus evil. Good Christians and Jews who follow the Ten Commandments and teachings of Prophet Moses (AS) and Prophet Jesus (AS) are on our side already because we do not differ with their laws or teachings. Many of the Arabs are Christians too, that is why when we speak we say ARABS AND MUSLIMS(that is Arabs who are Muslims) to include our Christian Arab brothers and sisters and not allow the Zionist Israeli Jews to divide us as they did in Lebanon for 16 years!

(3)   We need to grow closer to our faiths/when we have clean shaved Doctors and lawyers speaking to us about Islam when they have not studied Islam at all or speak only because they have money and influence just as in Washington where interest groups do the same, pull them off the podium and make sure the Community knows about these social parasites.

(4)   We need to educate our children and raise the level of consciousness among members of our own community. We need to instill in our children Islamic and Arab pride and not to see ourselves as weak but only getting better as our warriors rise to meet the spirit of our forefathers in battle against our enemies!! We need to clearly explain to our children about this MTV generation and what it stands for is unislamic. I was looking at friends last night and they mentioned the tasting of breast milk which is forbidden for us to take of breast milk and a man who drinks from a woman, she becomes his mother, so to speak. These unislamic things and where females are naked with men who are not their husbands and become whores and have babies out of wedlock is unislamic and should be condemned! Britney Spears can mock the institution of marriage and we do not see mention of this in Islamic Newspapers? Hollywood people portray the culture of the devil in encouraging the breaking of the laws of God.


(5)   We need to make the health of our people and promote good health practices for our people here in America a priority. Most of the Doctors and Dentists you meet in New York are either of Arab, Persian, Pakistani, or some other Muslim country of origin; yet, we have the highest rates of deaths and diseases which could have been avoided and treated within our communities!! Where is the pro-bono contribution whereas, they perform pro-bono for the American non-Muslim communities, right??

(6)   We need to promote our own foods, halal and dispel the myths that we can somehow make halal all haram foods inside America as it is often the beliefs by some American Muslims I have come across in New York, of Yemeni Arab background who should know better!

(7)We need to set the example first if we are to be taken seriously.

(8)We need to make alliances with our oppressed European, African, Asian, other immigrant Americans and those out of status for a better America, if living in America is what we wish to do at all. Gone are the days we keep saying that IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM WHAT IS HAPPENING INSIDE AND OUTSIDE AMERICA as our planet gets smaller due to communications and few countries left to bomb by the US government. Extreme anger and hatred, not for the American way of life but for what it costs us to keep that way of life going via bombings, stealing resources, setting up dictators around the World and pretending to remove them as a FAVOR to us, are so much now that we have never been more vulnerable as a human race to complete destruction as we are in today, 2004, with the threats of Nuclear annihilation! The greatest threat to peace is the United States aggression in the World today!

(9)We need to send the message out to Muslims in every country that apart from arrogant racist Americans and the US government that the average American is good and there are many who are good Christians and Jews here. The Second Crusade like the First Crusade was started by Christian Fundamentalists. Bush is a Christian Fundamentalist bent on World domination; John Kerry-one of his foreparents was a Jew-is no different either. Homeland security if not stopped now will lead America to becoming a Gestapo State where Americans and NOT so-called Terrorists will be harmed just as they were during the McCarthy era of the Red Scare in America in the 19940s-1950s thereabout. So if the Americans wish to perish at the hands of their own government then we should leave them but when it comes to our nations, NOT A DAMN AMERICAN Should be allowed if his or her intent is to cause us harm and steal from us, as our oil and other resources, which should be used for us and not building America!! Allah blessed us and not the Christians and Jews with oil for a reason; not for Muslim and Arab dictators to oppress us and allow American Corporations to steal it at dirt cheap prices and right offs and tax breaks while our people go with very little!

(10)The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that there would come a time when Muslims will adorn themselves and build huge mosques where few will attend. We need to stop seeking to build sky scraper mosques and see to our people first because without strong and faithful Muslims we will have no use for huge Mosques. We need to encourage Muslim women to seek out Muslim men and vice versa instead of pretending that there is a wall where we cannot contact each other; whereas, the unbelieving men are able to address our sisters on each and every issue including marriage and many shed their hijabs for these devils in an array of contradictions. Every other religions have match making Services, are assisting and encouraging the growth of families-but go to any Mosque in America or any so-called Muslim match making service and you will encounter racial and language preferences so much that one wonders if anyone learnt anything from the Prophet Muhammad (saw) whose wives were black, Arab, from Christian and Jewish faiths as well in addition to Muslim backgrounds. Today many Muslims match make on the basis of skin color and ethnic background instead of looking to faith, consciousness and compatibility first in Islamic ideology, practice of our deen (religion) and so on-again all these are outlined in our teachings but never practiced.